Carlota Santos, better known as Carlotydes. Its name and its essence are synonymous with magic, the aroma of palo santo and roses, tarot and stars. We consider that all our pieces are amulets with a lot of symbolism and we are very happy to present you our new capsule collection with Carlotydes.
Figa and Reliquiae are two pieces that represent the dream world of Carlotydes and its magic. For months, we have worked together to create these two amulets in the form of pendants that could undoubtedly be part of Carlota's illustrated universe.
His strokes and his color palette are unmistakable. We dare to say that during this cycle of global uncertainty, Carlota has opened a window to a universe where the stars play with each other pulling the strings from the sky, in a plane in which the millenials and zentenials coexist with the medieval and their witches, with whom we feel identified.

The figa is an amulet known for its qualities to ward off the evil eye and grant protection to whoever wears it.
It is represented with a left hand, closed in a fist and the thumb between the index and the middle finger. The figa is one of the amulets with the cleanest and most positive energy. Traditional from northern Spain, it shares symbolism with the hand of Fatima.
In the Middle Ages this symbol was banned due to its strong pagan meaning, but it never stopped being used. Its most notable qualities are to attract good luck, protect you against the evil eye, envy and jealousy, and attract money. In ancient times they were used to protect especially children and the elderly.

In ancient times, reliquaries were boxes or cases that were used to store the relics of the saints. They became popular in the Victorian era, in Great Britain, and it was customary to give them away to carry the memory of someone loved close to the heart.
The ancient Celts used them to store herbs or other protective elements, to protect themselves from evil and attract good fortune. Traditionally the reliquary had to be prepared during a full moon night.
You can write what you want to manifest in your life and keep it in your locket to attract it with its magic and protect your wishes.
The Carlotydes universe is so magical in all its planes, that we didn't want to miss the opportunity to give it a brief Q&A 🧡
Describe yourself in one sentence.
I am a creative, restless and sensitive person.
What do you like most about your job?
Explore and delve into different fields.
Of all the jobs you've done to date, which one is your favourite?
It is very difficult for me to choose, but I would say my Illustrated Book on Astrology Constellations and the tarot edited by Fournier.
What is magic to you?
It is putting intention in what you do, being present and connecting with the energy.
Woman who inspires you?
Izaskun Chinchilla (architect)
Favorite artist or reference in your field?
Varus remedies.
What inspires you? And where do you look for the inspiration to create?
I really like classical art, medieval engravings and drawings, astrology and alchemy treatises from the 17th and 18th centuries, Visconti Sforza tarots from the Renaissance.
A dream fulfilled and one to fulfill?
Edit and publish my book and that it is going to be published in several languages, fulfilled. To fulfill finish architecture and build something.
What are your favorite charms?
A round of rose quartz and a sigil of protection (if it is within our cameo better)
Favorite Horoscope My favorite sign is Scorpio.
Favorite place in the world?
the bierzo
A book?
Codex seraphinianus
A movie?
The Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman
A series?
The Great (I just saw it and I loved it, I love the imperial times in Russia and it's about Catherine the Great played by Elle Fanning, super funny)
If you had to define your life in a song, what would it be?
Strawberry Fields by The Beatles
A question that you would have liked us to ask you and we have not asked you? What would your answer be?
What did I like the most about working with Santa Barbara? His work methodology, affection and empathy.